Sunday, February 10, 2013

Contagious Joy.

Okay, so this my friends is what I call an impulse post! I just thought I should share how much I adore being in the presence children. The silly, random things that they say crack me up. When I have a bad or off week, I go straight to the children's director at church and tell her, "I'm having little kids withdrawal. Can go help with them today pretty please?!" And with in ten minutes my day is made. Kids have such joy it's contagious!! Yes, they can be rather saucy and give attitudes, but I still adore them. 

Some of my favorite little kid quotes I've witnessed:

*I see a picture of bugs and turn to the sweet girl walking next to me*
Me: Guess what, I killed a cockroach today.
*She gives me a high five*
Little Girl: Oh ya? I have a pet worm.
Me: That sounds unsanitary.

*I walk into a dear families house that I nanny for on a regular basis*
Little Boy: Hi Ms. Emmy! Bye Mom! Bye Dad!
The Mom: I see he's gonna miss us. 

Little Girl: Ms. Emmy, I'm all grown up like you. I've lost my childhood.
Me: Umm, okay? 

Little Girl: Oh no! This toilet is clogged!
Emmy: Oh man, they must have had beans for lunch.
Little Girl: Let me use another one... this one is clogged too.
*Emmy checks because the likelihood of both being clogged is rather small... They both had a piece of toilet paper in them.*
Little Girl: Sweetheart, they're not clogged, you just needed to flush them.
Lilly: Ohhh, I guess they didn't have beans for lunch after all.

*2 sweet follow behind me into gym*
Emmy: are y'all little girls following me?!
Little Girl: we are your little ducklings
Emmy: let's play follow the leader!!
*I run in a circle*
*they run behind me copying me*

I brought children into this dark world because it needed the light that only a child can bring. 
Liz Armbruster

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