Saturday, May 21, 2011


So one of the things on my bucket list to do one day is to be able to play guitar somewhat decent enough to lead worship by myself. I've been soooo amazingly blessed to have some insanely talented friends play guitar for the little youth band. But one day, (watch it be when I'm 50, knowing my learning rate at learning new musical skills) I would like to play guitar, if not for leading worship for a group, just for me.

I had a conversation with someone a while back about the whole idea of worship. And the person at the time had a mind set that they had to be on stage leading worship, to really "worship," and the God looked more favorable on those who did. And I immediately told her that is not the case at all. Worshiping doesn't only happen when you're on stage. It happens when you're on the floor singing to yourself, even if it's not remotely good. God's not looking at what key you're singing the song in. He's not looking to make sure that you're saying the right words. He's looking at your heart. You can be completely sound death and still worship like there's no tomorrow. Worship is reaching out to those in need. Worship is showing through your words and actions Jesus' love. Worship is using the skills that God has given you for His glory.

I will never forget the week that the youth came back from the summer camp, that I couldn't attend sadly, and the way they worshiped was like no other week. This is probably one of my favorite picture of all time, that is from the week they returned.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual[ act of worship.
Romans 12:1

O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.
Psalm 95:6

Here are some of my other favorite pictures from the past in the youth...

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