Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Little Quirks.

          So, in the last few weeks, I've noticed I have my "little quirks" (some may call OCD, I call "quirks"). For instance, with me burying myself in books, I've notice I've built a "routine" before I study. I must take a shower before hand, or at least freshen up. And why is that? I guess it's because I feel refreshed? So let's say it's Saturday around  noon and I whip out my studying material, consisting of multiple colorful pens, highlighters, spiral notebooks, and flashcards... and I take a shower. How odd? I'm not OCD, I promise. Then I must have a cup of coffee, with extra cream and sugar, to go along with my study session.
        But I'm sure I'm not the only person on Earth with odd quirks... right? Feel free to comment to share you're "special quirks."

1 comment:

  1. One of my little quirks is that when I'm walking on the side walk, I can't step on the cracks.


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