Well hello there! Long time no see. I've be hiatus due to some delightful medical issues, but I'm slowly getting back to myself. Apparently, going nonstop for a year and a half, can affect a person. Who would have guessed?
So, it's now story time with Emmalyn. Last Friday, after work I wanted to treat myself. So I grabbed a scrumptious $5 foot long, a grande iced-white chocolate mocha, and found a lovely table outside of the local Starbucks and pulled out my quiet time. In my book, it was the perfect way to end my week. When I have my quiet times, I have all my stuff sprawled all over the table with my pens, highlighters, bible, notebook, and books. It looks like a hurricane.
A few minutes into my quiet time, two older men came and sat next to the table next to me. They were rather loud talkers, so everyone easily could hear their conversation. They were catching up. And the first part of their conversation went as followed, with substituted words, of course:
Man #1: So you still into that whole church stuff?
Man #2: Heck no! I went through that phase and I'm done. Nothing was working out for me, so it's better if I just do everything on my own.
Man #1: Ya, I was wondering how long you were going to be into that kinda stuff.
The rest of the conversation went along the lines of their accomplishments in work and where they lived, what they drove, and the newest gadgets they've collected. And in the mist of getting into God's Word and listening to their conversation, I was heart broken. It was hard for me to fathom of my life being primarily focused on my earthly belongings, and above all not having my Savior, my dad, not here helping me through everything that the devil throws at me. A life not founded on God is empty.
I was sharing some of the story with some sweet friends, and I mentioned how looking back, I've questioned myself, "should I have talked to those gentlemen about how being a Christian, isn't a 'phase,' it's an on-going, developing relationship with Christ." and while asking them that, I realized I would have felt at peace with it and Christ would have opened that door, for me to talk with them. I think the purpose of God putting me at that table, at that time was to, in a way, was to awaken me to realizing how empty my life would be without Him and to dive into His Word to gain wisdom on how to reach out and minister to others who have that emptiness, in a godly, loving way that isn't aggressive and turn them on to hearing what I have to say.
I suppose the purpose of this entry is solely to share something that God revealed to me and wanted to put out there. Sharing what you encounter with God, not only helps Christians grow with Christ, but can also plant seeds. I saw this picture below on tumblr, and thought it was appropriate to share, showing how we need God, and he's not just a phase in ones life.
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